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Planning with Resources | ![]() |
Introduction |
For an application of action planning systems to real-world problems, the incorporation of resources such as time, money and machines is a fundamental feature. This webpage gives an overview of planning systems that are able to handle such resources. |
If you want to get included in the listing below, please send an e-mail to Alexander Nareyek <alex@ai-center.com> with information on the system's name, its classification, a list of maximally five keywords, a reference to an overview paper and a URL to the system's homepage (if available). Do not report on features that could potentially be realized but only on existing ones. Multiple systems/versions that are based on each other will not be included; please send only information on the most advanced one. |
Classification Categories |
Goal Function: |
Temporal Ontology: |
Plan Structures: |
Search Paradigm: |
Integration: |
Systems |
Name | ASPEN planner/scheduler |
Classification |
Keywords | Iterative Repair; Heuristic Search |
Overview Paper |
Chien, S.; Rabideau, G.; Knight, R.; Sherwood, R.; Engelhardt, B.; Mutz, D.;
Estlin, T.; Smith, B.; Fisher, F.; Barrett, T.; Stebbins, G.; and Tran, D.
2000. ASPEN - Automating Space Mission Operations using Automated Planning and Scheduling. [PDF] In Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Technical Interchange for Space Mission Operations and Ground Data Systems (SpaceOps 2000). |
Homepage | http://www-aig.jpl.nasa.gov/public/planning/aspen/aspen_index.html |
Name | Cooperative Intelligent Real-time Control Architecture (CIRCA) |
Classification |
Keywords | Real-Time Planning; Temporal Planning; Probabilities; Scheduling; Resource Constraints |
Overview Paper |
Atkins, E. M. 1999. Plan Generation and Real-Time Execution with Application to Safe, Autonomous Flight. [PDF] Ph.D. Thesis, University of Michigan, EECS Department, Computer Science and Engineering Division. |
Homepage | http://borg.umd.edu/~ella/ |
Name | EUROPA - Extensible Universal Remote Operations Planning Architecture |
Classification |
Keywords | Temporally Flexible Plans; Modular Architecture; Domain-Independent Heuristics; Constraint-Based Planning |
Overview Paper |
Jonsson, A. K.; and Morris P. H.; Muscettola, N.; Rajan, K.; and Smith, B. 2000. Planning in Interplanetary Space: Theory and Practice. [PostScript] In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Planning and Scheduling (AIPS-2000), 177-186. |
Name | The EXCALIBUR agent's planning system |
Classification |
Keywords | Constraint Programming; Heuristic Guidance; Open World; Dynamics; Anytime Computation |
Overview Paper |
Nareyek, A. 2001. Constraint-Based Agents - An Architecture for Constraint-Based Modeling and Local-Search-Based Reasoning for Planning and Scheduling in Open and Dynamic Worlds. [HTML] Reading, Springer LNAI 2062. |
Homepage | http://www.ai-center.com/projects/excalibur/ |
Name | The LPSAT engine's application to resource planning |
Classification |
Keywords | SAT; Incremental Simplex |
Overview Paper |
Wolfman, S. A., and Weld, D. S. 1999. The LPSAT Engine & its Application to Resource Planning. [PostScript] In Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-99), 310-316. |
Homepage | http://www.cs.washington.edu/ai/lpsat.html |
Name | MO-GRT |
Classification |
Keywords | Multiple Criteria; Domain-Independent Heuristic Search; Multi-Objective A* |
Overview Paper |
Refanidis, I., and Vlahavas, I. 2001. Multiobjective Heuristic State-Space Planning. [PDF] Technical Report, Aristotle University, Department of Informatics, Thessaloniki, Greece. |
Homepage | http://www.csd.auth.gr/~lpis/GRT/main.html |
Name | O-Plan |
Classification |
Keywords | Integrated tasking, planning, scheduling, execution monitoring and plan repair; Open Planning Architecture; Issue handling; Constraint handling; <I-N-OVA> constraint ontology for plans |
Overview Paper |
Tate, A.; Drabble, B.; and Dalton, J. 1996. O-Plan: a Knowledge-Based Planner and its Application to Logistics. [PostScript] In Tate, A. (ed.), Advanced Planning Technology, Morgan Kaufmann. |
Homepage | http://www.aiai.ed.ac.uk/project/oplan |
Name | PYRRHUS |
Classification |
Keywords | UCPOP; Bound Computation; Branch-and-Bound |
Overview Paper |
Williamson, M., and Hanks, S. 1994. Optimal Planning with a Goal-Directed Utility Model. [Compressed PostScript] In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on AI Planning Systems (AIPS-94), 176-181. |
Name | RealPlan |
Classification |
Keywords | Planning; Scheduling; Dynamic CSP; Dependency Directed Backtracking |
Overview Paper |
Srivastava, B.; Kambhampati, S.; and Do, B. M. 2001. Planning the Project Management Way: Efficient Planning by Effective Integration of Causal and Resource Reasoning in RealPlan. [PDF] Artificial Intelligence, to appear. |
Homepage | http://rakaposhi.eas.asu.edu/realplan.html |
Name | RIPP |
Classification |
Keywords | IPP Extension to Resource-Constrained Plans |
Overview Paper |
Koehler, J. 1998. Planning under Resource Constraints. [Gzipped PostScript] In Proceedings of the Thirteenth European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI-98), 489-493. |
Homepage | http://www.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/~koehler/ipp.html |
Name | TP4 |
Classification |
Keywords | Domain-Independent Heuristic Search |
Overview Paper |
Haslum, P., and Geffner, H. 2001. Heuristic Planning with Time and Resources. [Gzipped PostScript] In Workshop Notes of the IJCAI-01 Workshop on Planning with Resources, to appear. |
Homepage | http://www.ida.liu.se/~pahas/hsps/ |
Links |
IJCAI-01 Workshop on Planning with Resources
AI Center's Planning Links
AI Center's Scheduling Links
Last update:
October 21, 2002 by Alexander Nareyek